- click fraud
- Интернет; Пиар клик-фрод Мошеннические клики.
English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms. 2014.
Click fraud — is a type of Internet crime that occurs in pay per click online advertising when a person, automated script or computer program imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad, for the purpose of generating a charge per click… … Wikipedia
Click-Fraud — Als Klickbetrug (engl. Click Fraud) bezeichnet man eine Art des Internetbetruges, die vorrangig auf pro Klick vergütete Werbebanner Einblendungen (vgl. Pay per Click) abzielt. Klickbetrüger können manuell oder unter Zuhilfenahme von Programmen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
click fraud — /ˈklɪk frɔd/ (say klik frawd) noun Internet a type of internet fraud against pay per click advertising online in which clicks are not generated by legitimate users of the site but by a computer program with the aim of increasing the advertiser s… …
click fraud — noun A type of fraud in which a computer program is used to simulate mouse clicks on advertisements, driving revenue to the advertiser, who is paid per click … Wiktionary
Click Forensics — is a leading click fraud auditing firm. It is based in Austin, Texas. They are known for publishing the quarterly Click Fraud Index.External links* [http://www.clickforensics.com/ Official Site] * [http://www.clickforensics.com/news/pressreleases/… … Wikipedia
Click-through rate — or CTR is a way of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign. A CTR is obtained by dividing the number of users who clicked on an ad on a web page by the number of times the ad was delivered (impressions). For example, if a banner… … Wikipedia
Click farm — A click farm is a form of click fraud, where a large group of low paid workers is hired to click on paid advertising links for the click fraudster (click farm master or click farmer). The workers click the links, surf the target website for a… … Wikipedia
click laundering — n. A technique that makes a bogus click on a online ad look like a legitimate click to defraud a pay per click advertising system. click launderer n. Example Citations: Big ad networks will face challenges ensuring the legitimacy of their traffic … New words
Click of death — A standard ZIP100 disk Click of death is a term that became common in the late 1990s referring to the clicking sound in disk storage systems that signals the disk drive has failed, often catastrophically.[1] Contents … Wikipedia
Internet fraud — refers to the use of Internet services to present fraudulent solicitations to prospective victims, to conduct fraudulent transactions, or to transmit the proceeds of fraud to financial institutions or to others connected with the scheme. Internet … Wikipedia
Pay per click — Internet marketing Display advertising Email marketing E mail marketing software Interactive advertising … Wikipedia